Legal notices

This web site is published by the industrial and commercial public undertaking :

Domaine national de Chambord
41250 Chambord

Publishing director: Pierre Dubreuil, managing director of the public industrial and commercial establishment of the national Domain of Chambord


The user of this website acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use this site.

The user of website acknowledges having checked that the computer system used contains no viruses and is in perfect working condition.
The user also agrees to have read the present legal notice and promises to respect it.

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Consequently, the user agrees to use this information at his or her own risk.

The user acknowledges having been informed that the website is available 24/7, except in the case of force majeure, computer or server problems, all difficulties related to the structure of the telecommunication networks or technical difficulties.
For maintenance reasons, the website operator reserves the right to suspend his or her website but will make every effort to inform users beforehand.

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The general structure in addition to software programs, texts, databases, office documents, animated or non animated images, sounds, knowledge and all other elements that make up the website are exclusive property of the website operator.

Any representation of this site in full or in part by any means whatsoever without the express permission from the website operator is prohibited and constitutes an infringement recognised by articles L.335-2 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property.

The users and visitors of the website cannot under any circumstances set up a hypertext link in the direction of this website without prior express permission from the website operator.

The website operator takes all possible measures to provide users with information and/or tools that are available and correct, but cannot be held liable for any errors, lack of available information and/or the presence of viruses on his or her site.


Personal Data

The user is informed that while visiting the website, a cookie may automatically appear on his or her browsing software.

The cookie is a small piece of data that does not allow the visitor to be identified but records information about his or her navigation on the website.

The configuration of the browser software makes it possible to be informed about the presence of a cookie and to potentially refuse it.


The information collected through the use of cookies or directly from the website will be processed. According the French “Data Protection Act” of 6 January 1978, the user has the right at any time to access, correct or delete any personal information referring to him or her by writing to the following address: Domaine national de Chambord – 41250 Chambord or by e-mailing:
Website users must respect the provisions of the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, violation of which is liable to criminal prosecution.

Chambord Passport
Enjoy the experience of an entire day in Chambord !