Opening hours & rates

Visitor information

Chambord is closed on : 1 January, 20 March and 25 December

Chateau opening

Open every day of the year except 1 January, 20 March and 25 December.

January 5 to March 28: 9am – 5pm
March 29 to October 26: 9am – 6pm
October 27 to December 20: 9am – 5pm
December 21 to January 4: 9am – 6pm (except December 24, 25, 31 and January 1)

Last access ½ hour before the castle closes
Closing of the formal gardens 30 minutes before the castle closes.

The park is open all year round and every day.


The reservation service is open (including public holidays):

  • From April to October: 7 days a week from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm (closed at 5.00 pm on weekends and public holidays),
  • From November to March: Monday to Saturday from 9am to 5pm (except public holidays).
  • +33 (0)2 54 50 50 40 /


Chateau and French gardens access (2025)

Full rate: € 19

Reduced rate (18-25 non-European Union resident on presentation of proof of age), unemployed person from France, associate, work councils, group of 20 people or more): € 16,50

Free for European Union citizens under the age of 26.

Free admission (individual public): under 18 years old, long-term EU residents aged 18 to 25, disabled person + 1 accompanying person.

Privilège “card” (advantages valid for one year): € 50


Access to the site

  • Car and motorcycle parking P0: parking at 600 metres from the chateau (car park per day) : € 6. Free parking for disabled person on presenting the parking ticket upon presentation of proof.
  • Minibus parking P1: € 12
  • Coaches per day P1: € 100

Free (for buses and minibuses only): If the occupants visit the château (on presentation of the car park ticket at the ticket office when purchasing or collecting at least 7 entry tickets for coaches, at least 2 entry tickets for minibuses and subject to proof of registration with Atout France).


  • Car parking P2: € 5 / day
  • Caravan and motorhome parking P2: € 12 / 24h  –  IMPORTANT: It is forbidden to stay in the car park. Parking is allowed at night, but the park may under no circumstances be used as an accommodation area for motorhomes. No water or electricity supply space is provided.
  • Free cycle rack
Chambord Passport
Enjoy the experience of an entire day in Chambord !