Due to unforeseen logistical constraints, the Florence painting will only be on display until January 14, and the chapel will be closed to the public on January 15 and 16. However, from January 17, you will be able to (re)discover the work in the Champigny church, which will remain on view at the Domaine de Chambord for two years. An exceptional opportunity to explore Botticelli’s world and discover this little-known treasure from the Saint-Félix church in Champigny-en-Beauce.
An unexpected treasure in the church of Saint Félix, at Champigny-en-Beauce, north of Blois, the Virgin Mary, Infant Christ, and the young St. John the Baptist, long thought of as a 19th century copy, has recently been authenticated as an original 16th century piece from the studio of Italian painter Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510).
The painting is on loan to Chambord for two years, and will be displayed in the chapel at the château until 14 January 2025 alongside its model made a few years before by Botticelli himself. This painting, housed in the Palatine Gallery at the Pitti Palace in Florence, has exceptionally been loaned by the Uffizi Galleries.
Presenting these two paintings together provides a wonderful opportunity to highlight the social, aesthetic and commercial practices of one of the major studios active in Florence during the Renaissance, a hub of ideas, processes and relations which shed light on the period during which certain postulates of the Italian Renaissance nurtured the thinking of King Francis I and his contemporaries. The conversation between the two works also connects with the exciting investigations into the duplicate studio painting in order to scientifically determine when and where it was made, as well as its journey from Florence to Champigny-en-Beauce – necessary elements for the painstaking restoration work carried out in 2021 in the workshops of the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF), coordinated by the Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles (DRAC) in the Centre-Val de Loire.